Tullibardine, Loch Lomond, Girvan and Cameronbridge are four of the named distilleries that went into this blend which was married together for 45 days in a Refill Sherry Butt and Peated Hogshead Cask before being named “Echoes”.
What do you hear when you really listen? Sip. Pause. Wait… There. What do you hear? That’s the moment Woven conjures in Experience N.12. The signals that we miss. What we hear when we stop. And truly listen. The echo; The perception of a reflection. It happens with taste, too. So taste as you hear and tune into flavours that were there all along. Smoke and fruit. First whispered; then powerful. This is Experience N.12.
Loch Lomond Single Malt (20.6%), Highland Grain Distillery Wheat Based (11.8%), Girvan Distillery (9.7%), Cameronbridge Distillery (17.7%), Speyside Blended Malt Lightly Peated (30.4%), Tullabardine Burgandy Wine (9.8%)
Tasting Notes
Nose: Apple, brown sugar, and malt.
Palate: Spiced apple, barbeque, and honey.
Finish: Embers, stewed fruits, and smoke.